Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Waiting for the green light for stimulation

All the fuss around Halloween is left behind so I can take a moment and drop a line. Our party was quite fun… for children. They were the ones who really enjoyed the holiday. The costumes were all different and they looked really cute/scary in them. And yes, they gathered a lot of candies and sweets, and for my little one – it was a problem for me to explain that he can take only 1 candy per day. I think that stock will be enough for half a year for him. Other mothers were more liberate to their kids, I mean in respect of sweets, so Den felt a bit embarrassed because of it. In any case, they had a lot of fun. Daddy of one of the girls on the holiday dressed in this terrifying ghost costume and frightened the kids. They liked it, hopefully no one were scared, even the youngest on our party. They were rather to laugh loud and run away from the ghost. What else kids need?

Next day I had to visit my gynecologist. She checked me and made ultrasound. Everything seems to be within norm, she said. She said endometrium is 11 mm. I hope it’s okey. I had to send the ultrasound to my manager at Biotexcom. She then shows it to my doctor and she recommends the best day for dipherelin and ovulation stimulation trigger. As I’ve told you before, I have all the medications for stimulation. They gave me this huge pack on the first time we came to Kiev, just after all tests, checkups and signing contract. I hope they won’t change anything in my protocol. In any case, they assured me that even if I need any extra medications for stimulation, they can send it to me or I by it here in Norway and they give me money back when I travel the next time to Ukraine.
So, I’m waiting for their feedback and still keep learning more about the medications I was prescribed. As far as I understood, my protocol is more or less “mild” if it’s admissible to say so. I’ve communicated with ladies on the forums who have much more stimulation medications on their protocol. I don’t know if it’s good or bad. I know they need to have more than two eggs appropriate for fertilization after stimulation. I don’t know if with my mild scheme they will get as much as needed. From the other hand, there’s a scary word for me “hyperstimulation” and I hope that I won’t be running the risk of it. As far as I understood, the most important thing here is eggs retrieval procedure: it must be performed on the indicated date and time, otherwise there might be problems. I hope everything will be ok with time schedule. I don’t have worries about it.
You know, when we decided to go to Ukraine for our surrogacy procedure, I was a little bit afraid that they might have problems with medical equipment and sterility. You know, I knew not so much about this country before we travelled. Of course, I knew that it’s closer to Europe than for example Georgia or India and therehow it should be quite “European type”. From the other hand, I also knew that a few decades ago it used to be a Soviet country, thus leaving its imprint on the further destiny of this country. To tell you the truth, when we booked our air tickets, I didn’t know what to expect. In any case, I had good vibes. And they didn’t let me down. I didn’t see any dirty gloves of a nurse, or outdated equipment, you know – everything old and dirty. In reality, all the clinics we visited in Kiev looked very modern, both in exterior and interior. All equipment is new. Everyone who comes into the clinic puts boot covers on – everything is absolutely clean. All medical stuff wears very neat uniform with badges indicating their names. Nurses and doctors wear one shot sterile gloves. Taking samples of blood wasn’t painful at all. To sum up, the level of medical service is high and my suspicions as to non-sterility vanished. Finally, the clinic we signed up contract with deals exclusively with foreigners, mainly westerns, so they try to keep up with high requirements of their clients. I was surprised that they have managers speaking so many foreign languages from English to Chinese and Korean. What I didn’t like, though, is that managers at Biotexcom seem to be always in a hurry, always in fuss, because they have to consult several couples per day. I think the management of the clinic should think about expanding their manager’s stuff. In any case, they keep me updated via emails and I don’t experience any lack of communication by now.
So, I shall get their response soon and trigger my stimulation. They told that they already have a surrogate mother for us but we still know nothing about her. By the way, if you choose Ukraine for your surrogacy destination like we did, be ready that they don’t allow choosing surrogate there. You can meet her only after the 12th weeks of pregnancy. Since it’s gestational surrogacy, surrogate mother won’t have any genetic relation to the baby. She just needs to be healthy and be compatible to your blood type. Also, you won’t be able to keep in touch with your surrogate directly, only with the help of manager who is in the meantime your translator. All surrogates are Ukrainian nationals, age between 18 and 39, have at least one healthy child of their own. They ensured us that they have very strict restrictions as to surrogate’s health. They also go through psychological checks ups. Of course, I’m interested to know who she is and how she looks like, but maybe they are right that this is not the most essential thing about our surrogacy process. If you will be opting donor eggs surrogacy, here the situation is absolutely different: you may choose your donor (sure, finally you choose who your baby will take after). Still I haven’t learn the process of choosing a donor very thoroughly because we’re opting on our own first. They gave us two attempts. If they won’t work, they will have to move to donor eggs. I hope sooo much that at least one of my two attempts will work.
Ok, I’ll close by now. As soon as I get any news from them, I’ll drop a line.
Have a very good day.



  1. My impression of Biotexcom is that they are a clinic that can get results. Moreover very quickly. The worst complaint I've ever heard about them is that they have slow communication. frankly, we decided we can live with if it means I get a baby at the end. Also, considering we are paying much cheaper, but we were able to begin our first attempt less than 2 months after signing contracts, I couldn’t have picked a better option!!

    1. We did just one round with them and got success. Here's my background:
      Me 37 DH 36. 1/07 Started TTC #1
      7/07 - BFP, ectopic, lap. @ 5 wks
      2/08 and 1/09- BFP, m/c naturally @ 5 wks
      3/09 - IVF #1 - cancelled, poor Lupron response. Next time, Antagonist protocol.
      6/09 - IVF #2 -BFN
      8/09 - FET #1 (acu.) - BFP 5dp5dt
      10/5/09 - mm/c 9 weeks 2 days
      IVF #3 at Biotexcom - 1/21/10 - BFP, 5dp5dt
      5/6/17 - IT'S A GIRL! - born 9/24/17


    2. We’re usually much more likely to see B and C grades, but that doesn’t mean that the embryo transfer will fail. Embryo quality is a continuum. Your RE and the embryologists are the ones togive you an honest assessment of the quality of your embies and your chances for successful IVF treatment. Others may reply differently. But I believe it's safe to say that there are so many variables at work that it would be a mistake to look at embryo quality as the main measure of your chances. There are so many cases of successful pregnancies/deliveries with embryos that weren't of perfect quality. I alsohave a friend who got prego with a baby girl after transfering median quality embryo. Her grades were 1.5-3, only 1 being the highest. Moreover, we've got nowadays a perfect option of mitochondria replacement therapy. This means they can supply your own eggs with the needed energy via transferring healthy mitochonria taken from the donor's egg. This means the vast majority of genes will pass to your offspring. And these mitochondria DNA is sth like 1 per cent only which is passed over to a baby.
      It also needs to be mentioned that when you are going through IVF, you are likely beyond the point of being over needles. After giving yourself multiple injections a day for several weeks, lying back for an acupuncture appointment may not be at the top of your list of things to do. But I think it's still worth trying. It has a calming effect which is so helpful while we're undergoing treatments. If you do decide over it, then when looking for a practitioner, try to seek out someone who has experience working with fertility patients. They will have a greater understanding of the points which should be manipulated.

  2. I think I can add as for the impression the clinic makes when it employ sbad staff. Here I'm mentioning our previous clinic. And the thing which bored so much was the nurse that we dealt with the entire cycle. She seemed so insensitive..It was really aggravating and not at all comforting or calming. My husband was really fed up with it by the end. Since then we were at a crossroad. We both thought, do we stay at the same hospital 'cause they know our case? Or do we try elsewhere? Decided to have an initial appointment with a different repro center. So was waiting to see what they say, and what their vibe is. Thankfully got fuly understood at bio texcom.
    It sounds so silly writing it, but doesn’t sensitivity count? It’s such an emotional and unstable time. We all just want to feel like someone at the clinic cares! Like they’re invested or sth. I don't think this is too unusual..I'm glad we've found this point of relief..

  3. It's somewhat funny we're so similar with our impressions of the clinic. I expected it to be ''out of date'' 'cause Ukraine is having hard times now.So I truly thought it hasn't developed the field much. and was expecting the clinics to have old equipment, poor interior or sth, you know. To my amazement we saw sth completely different!! At that very moment I even felt ashamed for what i was actually thinking of..All Biotex staff was friendly and cooperative. It was never hard to find needed people around. we could turn our needs to everyone there and be sure to get answered. The majority of the staff speaks English quite well. Just like you've told, Biotex managers speak different languages. So this definitely makes the stay with them comfortable. Anyway they provide an interpreter by your side as soon as you begin to study your future contract. Everything inside seems clean and sterile. I mean IT IS such. The owner of the clinic does take care of how to make the services beneficial for all parts of the process. Prices and services are perfectly balaced. So I'm with you, they are professionals.

  4. If I'm not mistaken, they 80% deal with the foreigners. Here's my background. I'm Karen, 30 yrs old, dh is 35. TTC#1 since 2007. Jan 2012 - No hb at 9w1d - d&c (Turner Syndrome/Monosomy X) FET#3 – BFP! Betas: 8dp6dt/14dpo - 124; 10dp6dt/16dpo - 317; 16dp6dt/22dpo - 6,289; 23dp6dt/29dpo – 32,961 It's a boy! Benny Marshall arrived on January 9, 2013 (39w2d) 8lbs 5oz, 20" I think since then we all concentrated on his upbringing. Didn' thinking much about siblings for him. Now I understand we shouldn't have done thism 'cause wasted time. Precious time. Since then I faced loads of health complications. My heart started to work inappropriately. And that was the main obstacle on the way of possible fresh or FET cycles. Dr told I wouldn't cope on my own with another pregnancy. So he adviced to look onto surrogacy. Due to several reasons we chose Biotexcom. One of the main - affordable prices and high live birth rates. It's the top repr center in Kiev, no wonder, though. They know what they're doing!

  5. Once you come off of the birth control pill, you will begin a process of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. At the clinic you will have an ultrasound to evaluate the uterus and ovaries, and once you get the all clear you can start. There are two main parts of this process. Taking medications for about two weeks: Oral fertility medications like Clomid and/or injectable follicle stimulation hormones (Follistim and Gonal-F) are used to stimulate the follicles in your ovaries to mature more eggs than they typically would in a normal cycle. The goal is to produce at least 4 eggs with the use of fertility medication.

  6. You've mentioned, If it didn't work you'd move to donor eggs. As far as I know they're operating a completely new treatment method now - mitochondria replacement therapy. Mitochondria do have a tiny bit of DNA but it is just used for making energy. The egg donor would contribute the DNA that is in the nucleus (the genome). This would have the genetics for eye color, height, personality, etc. etc. When we think of someone being genetically related, it’s the nuclear genome that we are thinking of, not the mitochondrial DNA. Do the embryo would be yours at least in the way we usually think about it. This approach is based on the idea that aging/poor eggs might not be genetically damaged but might be more out of steam/energy. Some results suggest that adding fresh mitochondria could rejuvenate eggs and help them to succeed. To carry out such a procedure, an egg donor with a high functional activity of mitochondria, a patient, and sperm for in vitro fertilization are required. Healthy functionally active mitochondria are taken from a donor’s oocyte and integrated with the patient’s cells. Next, fertilization with sperm and transfer of a healthy embryo into the patient’s uterus is performed. Mitochondria donation is a unique assistive reproductive technology, which is basically the implantation of a healthy and functionally active donor mitochondria into the cells of an infertile patient, that provides the patient’s cell with the necessary energy and contributes to successful pregnancy.
    I believe lots are going to use this method. Because it is aimed at preserving genetic link to the kid.

    1. Thank you for this post. I'm 38 yo after numerous failures turned to egg donation. The decision was quite uneasy, should say. But the desire to become a mother is much stronger. My dh is super supportive. Though the procedure is completely new to us we put so much hope in it. We chose the package with possible refund, all meds are included into its price. So here we go!

  7. Also pasting this here##
    ''BioTexCom Center for Human Reproduction offers patients who are above 40 and for those, who suffer from low levels of AMH, an innovative program that makes it possible to get pregnant with their own eggs. Mitochondria replacement therapy is an innovation and a breakthrough in the field of ART and the fertility treatment. This program gives women, who underwent numerous unsuccessful IVF cycles, aged 40+, patients with low mitochondrial functional activity, an excellent chance to give birth to a child who shares a genetic relationship with her and her partner. How is this possible?
    Mitochondrion is one of the most important components of any living cell, including the egg. In simple words, mitochondrion is the cell’s energy station. Essentially, its work consists in supplying the cell with vital energy for its normal functioning..''
    We were told we have all chances to use own eggs with surrogacy. So I'm truly counting on them. and if not? I think we'll discuss this option with dr at time of the first app. (btw, it's tomorrow). so I'm sure I'll know more by this time tomorrow.
    Cannot but read your blog every spare minute. Thank you.

  8. If you're using your own eggs during IVF, at the start of a cycle you'll begin treatment with synthetic hormones to stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple eggs — rather than the single egg that normally develops each month. Multiple eggs are needed because some eggs won't fertilize or develop normally after fertilization.
    You may need several different medications, such as:
    Medications for ovarian stimulation. To stimulate your ovaries, you might receive an injectable medication containing a follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), a luteinizing hormone (LH) or a combination of both. These medications stimulate more than one egg to develop at a time.
    Medications for oocyte maturation. When the follicles are ready for egg retrieval — generally after eight to 14 days — you will take human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) or other medications to help the eggs mature.
    Medications to prevent premature ovulation.These medications prevent your body from releasing the developing eggs too soon.
    Medications to prepare the lining of your uterus. On the day of egg retrieval or at the time of embryo transfer, your doctor might recommend that you begin taking progesterone supplements to make the lining of your uterus more receptive to implantation.
    Your doctor will work with you to determine which medications to use and when to use them.

    1. Typically, you'll need one to two weeks of ovarian stimulation before your eggs are ready for retrieval. To determine when the eggs are ready for collection, your doctor will likely perform:
      Vaginal ultrasound, an imaging exam of your ovaries to monitor the development of follicles — fluid-filled ovarian sacs where eggs mature
      Blood tests, to measure your response to ovarian stimulation medications — estrogen levels typically increase as follicles develop and progesterone levels remain low until after ovulation
      Sometimes IVF cycles need to be canceled before egg retrieval for one of these reasons:
      Inadequate number of follicles developing
      Premature ovulation
      Too many follicles developing, creating a risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
      Other medical issues
      If your cycle is canceled, your doctor might recommend changing medications or their doses to promote a better response during future IVF cycles. Or you may be advised that you need an egg donor.

    2. Ovulation problems may be caused by one or more of the following:
      a hormone imbalance
      a tumor or cyst
      eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia
      alcoholor drug use
      thyroid gland problems
      excess weight
      intense exercise that causes a significant loss of body fat
      extremely brief menstrual cycles
      Damage to the fallopian tubes or uterus can be caused by one or more of the following:
      pelvic inflammatory disease
      a previous infection
      polyps in the uterus
      endometriosis or fibroids
      scar tissue or adhesions
      chronic medical illness
      a previous ectopic (tubal) pregnancy
      a birth defect
      DES syndrome (The medication DES, given to women to prevent miscarriage or premature birth can result in fertility problems for their children.)
      Abnormal cervical mucus can also cause infertility. Abnormal cervical mucus can prevent the sperm from reaching the egg or make it more difficult for the sperm to penetrate the egg.
